erma sofiani, Rizqylayli Fajriyani


Introduction: Pulp capping material is required to have the component which stimulates tertiary dentin formation, maintain pulp vitality, release fluoride to prevent secondary caries, antibacterial properties, attached to the dentine and restorative materials. Indirect pulp capping by using a hard-setting type calcium hydroxide could prevent the caries to reach the pulp. The successful indirect pulp capping treatment can be indicated from the clinical examination (cold test, percussion, and palpation test), radiographic, and histology of the treated teeth. The purpose of this study was to determine the clinical evaluation of successful indirect pulp capping with a hard-setting type calcium hydroxide at the Dental Hospital, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. Methods: Clinical evaluation of successful indirect pulp capping at the Dental Hospital Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta was done by using secondary data of the patient’s medical records who visited the dental hospital to had indirect pulp capping between 2010-2011. results : showed successful treatment of indirect pulp capping seen from clinical evaluation before and after treatment. Before indirect pulp capping treatment, the number of samples that categorized as good are 215 respondents (34.8%), satisfactory in 349 respondents (56.5%), dissatisfactory are 54 respondents (8.7%), and poor is 0% with a total of 618 respondents (100%). After indirect pulp capping treatment, patients were recalled for follow-up. Cases categorized as good at 1-4 weeks are 479 respondents (93.6%), 5-8 weeks are 202 respondents (94.4%), and >8 weeks are 287 respondents (91,4%). The average rate of successful treatment which is categorized as good was 93.1%.


Clinical Evaluation; Hard-setting Type Calcium Hydroxide; Indirect Pulp Capping


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33854/jbd.v8i1.779

DOI (PDF (Bahasa Indonesia)): https://doi.org/10.33854/jbd.v8i1.779.g316


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