Septriyani Kaswindiarti, Muhammad Rhaufly Dwi Arga Saputra, Clara Cessa Putri Yudiatna, Shafwan Rafif Widianto, Dimas Rahadian Aji Muhammad, Danar Praseptiangga, Dendy Murdiyanto, Nendika Dyah Ayu Murika Sari, Nur Lathifah Mardiyati


Introduction: Chocolate is a widely consumed food, particularly by children. It is often considered a contributing factor to the development of dental caries due to its high sugar content, which can lead to the formation of dental caries. Aim: This study aimed to determine whether consuming dark chocolate sweetened with sucrose, xylitol, and stevia would reduce saliva acidity in children aged 10-12 years. Methods: Twenty-one children aged 10-12 years were given dark chocolate with three sweeteners: 30% sucrose, 30% xylitol, and 1% stevia. The subjects' saliva was collected 10 minutes after chewing chocolate with sucrose on day 1, chocolate with xylitol on day 2, and chocolate with stevia on day 3 for 30 seconds and then measured by a pH meter. The measurement was repeated thrice. Result: The difference in mean saliva pH before and after treatment with the three types of chocolate were analysed using the One-way ANOVA test.  A decline in pH was observed in all treatment groups; however, the most significant decrease was observed in the sucrose chocolate group (0.34 ± 0.12), followed by the stevia chocolate group (0.26 ± 0.09), and the least significant decrease was observed in the xylitol chocolate group (0.14 ± 0.07). Conclusion: A statistically significant difference was observed in the decrease in saliva acidity among children aged 10-12 years who consumed dark chocolate containing sucrose, xylitol, and stevia


chocolate, dental caries, salivary pH, stevia, xylitol


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