Pemeriksaan Oral Hygiene di SMF Periodonti, RSGMP BAITURRAHMAH dalam Rangka BKGN Tahun 2023

Valendriyani Ningrum



Oral hygiene is very important as a factor determining general health and quality of life in a person. The prevalence of periodontal disease in Indonesia is quite high. According to the 2018 Riskesdas data, the prevalence of periodontitis in people aged > 15 years was 67.8%. This means that seven out of ten of the Indonesian population suffer from periodontitis The implementation of this study in the National Dental Health Month was carried out in November 2023 at RSGMP Baiturrahmah Padang. The population in this implementation was patients who came to this activity which amounted to 69 people. OHI-S was performed by measuring the tooth surface area covered by debris and calculus by summing the Debris Index Simplified (DI-S) and Calculus Index Simplified (CI-S). Respondents had good oral hygiene index criteria as many as 32 people (46.38%), moderate category as many as 30 people (43.48%) and poor category as many as 7 people (10.14%).  This activity needs to be carried out on an ongoing basis as an effort to improve the oral health of the community, especially in Padang City.


Keywords: Oral Hygiene, RSGM, Social Program

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