Bilik dan Kursi Gigi Portabel Untuk Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus di UPTD LDPI Padang

Abu Bakar



The problems has been faced by partners in the Disability Integrated Service Unit Partner Disability Services and Inclusion Education (UPTD LDPI) Padang City, West Sumatra, the problem was the access to dental and oral health examination and consultation services for children with special needs which are still less than optimally resolved. The results of in-depth interviews with UPTD LDPI managers and dentists who work at UPTD LDPI are: a) There were no functional dental chairs for dental and oral examinations, b) Partners do not yet have a comfortable consultation place for crew members, and c. The low number of visits by ABK to other dentists is due to the long waiting time at the dental clinic. The urgency of this PKM is to solve this problem. Based on the priority problems faced, the aim of PKM for UPTD LDPI partners is to provide functional dental booths and chairs using several methods: 1) Providing dental and oral consultation and examination services to improve the oral health of crew members; 2) Increase visits to dental and oral examinations for children with special need in the UPTD LDPI dental booth. A questionnaire regarding perceptions of examination and consultation services was given to 48 ABK parents. The results of the questionnaire show that the statement item value is between 84%-99%. Where the lowest scores are related to the dentist's schedule (84%) and waiting time for consultations and examinations (85%). Meanwhile, the highest scores were the need for consultation services (99%) and the need for dental and oral examinations (97%) for crew members. Increasing access to dental and oral health services for crew members is needed by increasing the dentist's duty schedule and reducing waiting times for consultations and examinations.


Keywords: Dental Room, Portable Dental Unit, Special Need Children

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